1. Chismosa (gossiper in Spanish)
2. Chapusera (con artist in Spanish)
3. Trust me, I'm a Lawyer (can get this at Urban Outfitters, so maybe not worth a silk screen)
4. I Say "Hella" (Saw this somewhere)
5. I'll Mess with Texas (also saw this somewhere.. see picture below)
6. 6'5" ..and no, I don't play basketball.
7. Mrs. Felguayo (Mine and Brian's last names combined)
8. More Cowbell!
9. Snape kills Dumbledore
10. What's the gossip??
Ok, so I need more. Fun t-shirt ideas please!!
You CANNOT do the Harry Potter shirt. Children will spontaneously burst into tears as soon as they come in sight of you. That can't be good for your self esteem.
Yeah, I'm 6'5". And that bald spot looks sooo good on you!
Children already cry when they see me.. this'll just give them a good reason to. :-)
Allison - he told me, but I forgot. I think it was Men's Express or something strange like that. Search online.. I'm sure you can find it.
saw some great stuff on bumper stickers once or twice. But to refresh my memory on some of them, I went to evolvefish.com
1. So close to Jesus... I had to put a restraining order on him
2. Ferme Ta BUSH
3. God was my copilot, but we crashed in the mountains and I had to eat him
4. THINK It's not illegal yet
5. Jesus would slap the shit out of you
1. lo hice todo para el nookie
2. that sucks ass
3. six five
4. i could squash you like a pea
Kat - you comin' w/ us for silk screening? If so, you'll need to ask Brian what all you need to bring cuz I know he went out and got some stuff already.
I FUCKING LOVE IT!! SNAPE KILLS DUMBLEDORE! That's brilliant. You'll have to start another blog for all the crazy shit people would say to you while wearing the shirt.
Who's Snape? Who's Dumbledore?
Cla-Cla...you dorkus!!! I am not yet to page 608 of Potter. Thanks for ruining it for me!
What about "Geeks make good lovers"
I need to find that I'll mess with Texas shirt... There is a biiiittccchhh that I would like to mess with...
that texas shirt is on e-bay for 10 bucks...
here are more ideas:
I have a bass in my pants;
shhh, its in my pants;
fuck bitch, shut up;
I try not to be a sexist, because the bitches get angry;
If you are close enough to read this shirt you might as well suck my coochie
Beautiful, Erica! That last one made me laugh out loud!!
Sorry Natalie, but I figured if someone hadn't read the book by now, he/she probably wasn't that big of a fan anyway! Brian says the whole book hints at who dies the whole way through anyway, so you should've already known if you started it!
I've heard rumors about both these t-shirts, and would probably die laughing if I saw either one:
It aint gonna suck itself.
Fuck you. I have enough friends.
LOL!! You guys are fu$kin' hilarious!!
I occasionally get that image you emailed out in law school stuck in my head of the guy who pooped in that plastic bag.
How about, "I am pooping right now"
or, "are you pooping?"
I would like a t-shirt that says, "You are wearing too fucking much cologne."
Or, "Why wash when you can spray?"
OK, Meg, if you ever find that t-shirt that says "Fuck you. I have enough friends.", hook me up?
And one of my friends has a toddler that has a t-shirt that says, "I eat dirt"
silk screening?!??! how awesome
i cant live with the snape kills dumbledor tho
you should do Uncle Rico is hot haha
well then let me ask matt if hes interested. what all does the $25 buy? and what else would we need?
I say Hella...Jo from Real World Austin
then can you make as many as you want?
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