Sorry sorry sorry - I've been such a slacker-blogger lately. Work has been busy, and weeknights have been filled w/ shopping and wrapping. But now that Christmas is over, we can finally catch ourselves back up..
First order of business: Last Weekend's Christmas Party and White Elephant Gift Exchange.Brian and I invited the old
"VegasIntellectuals" gang over for some Christmas-party action. I personally thought it was a lot of fun. (Who knows what the guests thought...) Highlights of the party included:
My homemade
pozole, which I served in these non-festive-but-still-freakin'-awesome bowls w/ ears...

Absolutely ingenius.
Also, we played holiday-themed games for prizes that Brian and I thought were cool.. like this retro Atari:

Oh, and our hyper-liberal friend
Shannon got herself a little firearm during the old white elephant gift exchange.. a firearm from Walmart, no less. Now THAT is irony. Here's the happy gift recipient now...

Absolute hilarity.
The white elephant gift exchange was probably the funnest part of the night. I brought
R.Kelly's Trapped In The Closet Chapters 1-12 on DVD, but no one seemed to appreciate it, so I stole it back for myself. (Fools. They have no idea the comedic genius they've passed up.)
Probably the cruelest gift of the evening was the bundle of adult diapers and canned meat. Poor Ben.

Nice going,
Kat. Way to ruin a man's Christmas.
What else??? Oh yeah, my eleven-year-old nephew first wanted to steal the b.b. gun, but I told him he wasn't allowed... Then he unwittingly chose condoms and "Bod" men's body spray.. But by the end of the night, he ended up going home with a drinking game playset. Real nice guys. Way to shave years off the poor boy's already fleeting childhood.
Speaking of stealing... those
Wards are white elephant gift pillagers, man. First Vanessa rips the Star Wars Pez dispenser collection right out of this poor, unsuspecting pez collector's hands...

THEN, as if that treachery weren't enough to satisfy their thirst for misery, Brad goes and steals The Ultimate Guide to Cunnilingus right out of this happy newlywed couple's excited little hands!!

Unfuckingbelievable! Way to cock-block a girl's holiday fantasy, guys...
So ANYWAY, that was the party. Here are
all the pics I have from that night.
Second order of business: My review/social commentary on the movie Fun w/ Dick and Jane. In progress.. check back later.. no time right now.
Third order of business: My awesome customized Christmas presents.. Here are two of them:

That's right. They're underwear w/ my husband's picture on them. His adorable sister made them for me. The pair on top has a pic of him and me.. and the pair on bottom says "I Love Brian." And Brian got matching boxers. Awweee.... I have one more customized gift to blog about, but my camera battery just died, so I'll have to wait until tomorrow...
Ok kiddies, that's all we have time for tonight. I'll try to be better this week, I promise!!!