"Oh my, memorize three lines? The lights are too bright! I can't think! The pressure!!" .. Ah yes, my problems seem so trivial all of a sudden. Can I witness a pseudo-dance-off on the catwalk please? Excellent. I can feel the stress melting away now. More toothy grins.. more braless models.. and.... euphoria.
Let's talk about the winner for a sec. It was Nicole. I would have never guessed her. The overbite was always the dealbreaker for me. In the end, I can see how she was the most consistent in her photos though....
Any fellow reality-tv freaks out there want to make bets on who will win on The Apprentice this week? The girl w/ the broken leg is the underdog, and if watching reality tv has taught me anything, it's that America LOVES an underdog.. But there hasn't been a black Apprentice yet, so maybe the black guy's got a shot. I think I will put my money on the black guy.
Fuck! FUCK! I don't watch it until the repeat next Tuesday.
Oh well.
I totally thought Nik had it in the f'n bag too...well, I haven't watched the last episode yet...but...Nicole??
Nik was way hotter.. sometimes she did look like she got her ass beat though.
i seriously don't know how you guys have the patience to watch these reality/elimination shows...i thought for sure claudia would have something to say about adrianne's engagement to peter brady.
I fell a sleep and haven't watched yet...you suck. But, you can make it up when I see you this weekend. Oh, wait you're not coming...ya, you suck. Nicole has been one of my favorites.
i dont watch any of these shows, but i always look at the website when you post your commments about the show and i liked jayla or kyle....
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