Now in my head I'm thinking of all of the hundreds of thousands of bizarre things people have said to me before and I'm thinking, there's nothing this person can say that's going to surprise me. But actually, she did. This really was random.
"I read your blog and I recognize you from it," she says.
I was like, "Wow, really? Which one?"
Apparently, she reads both! (HI TARA!!) She was googling her home builder's name and happened upon Jen's blog, then got to Kat, then to me. She's been reading every day ever since!!! RANDOM!! So yeah, meeting her was quite the eye-opening experience. I had no idea anyone but my close friends read my blog. Now I'm all self-conscious!
Anyway.. It was nice to meet you and your husband Tara. You should start a blog too!! (One of us, one of us, one of us...)
Wow - that is wierd! Now you're making me all nervous and I'm starting to wonder who's reading my blog! Hope it's no one near me!
And you think I'm neurotic...proves me right. Also, what are you wearing in that picture.
I don't put my picture on my blog, but it's because of my general ugliness, not because I'm afraid of being recognised.
i have found out that odd people have been reading my blog...i hate it....
I'm rather flattered if random people read my blog. I think this is awesome.
Ok it's not nice to call people "odd" or "random", ladies. Just some words of wisdom from the random odd chick you picked up at the Bellagio ;)
If it was that easy to find Claudia....doo doo, doo doo...eek eek eek
For the record, I was super-stoked to meet this girl, and she was really nice and not weird or crazy-seeming at all. I think it might just be that I'm so easy to recognize.
She reads your blog too Shannon, btw.
Hk - I'm wearing a suit. It was right after work. It's really a cute suit, the pattern just doesn't translate well onto film. It comes out looking like movement. See the real deal here.
Hello, I am Tara. I always thought that bloggers knew random people read their blogs. I guess not!!!
Claudia- Thx for letting me interupt dinner with your family. You and your fam were very nice. Your Nephew was super sweet to me. I sat down @ your table not realizing I had sat down. I was nervous....not sure why. That picture is not so great of me...can I have a re-take? Anyway maybe I will blog someday. I not as clever as you all are here!!!
It wouldn't let me finish my story so I am adding on....like Claudia said I found Jen's blog and she said something about her M-I-L and I related. So then I kept reading. It's all very interesting to read. And most of you live in Vegas so it makes it even better.
Anyway that is my story.
Hi Shannon!!! Hi Greg!!!
HI TARA! Yes, of course we should all know people we don't know read our blogs. It's the internet, duh! You just never think you'll actually run into one of those mystical online people in real life!! So that's why our chance encounter was so RANDOM. :-) Also, for me, I just figured the only people that actually visited my my lame-o blog more than once were my friends who were bored and wanted to see what I was up to. I'm super-flattered to think other people out there think that stuff on my blog is worth reading.
I'm very sorry for hobo-blogging on the tall blog. I've gotten many complaints about that. I'll really try my best to get back into that. Anyway.. keep reading, and go start the blog!!!
Oh whatever, your dimples look adorable!!
Hahaha....the dimple thing is too funny!!! I haven't heard that in a long time. We will see about the blogging thing. Maybe I will blog on my myspace and see if I can think of anything interesting to say. Then I will decide.
Greg- I don't read everyone's blogs that would take me forever....j/k I just read some. The ones I relate the most to. I will check out others here and there but there are main ones I check out everyday or every other day. Depends on my mood and how much free time I have @ work.
Hope you all are having a great day!!!
PS. Claudia let me know about the receptionist thing if you hear anything :)
ummm i use the word "odd" because some of the people I have found that have found my blog I don't like. And I am not speaking of my family...I am speaking of some psycho ex's....
Tara, did Claudia hire you? And it is so cool, if she didn't, that you told her who you were instead of pussing out. V. ballsy! Clearly Tara would not be afraid to put the lobster in the pot.
Claudia, Tara's going to leave us if you don't post something new!
SC- The receptionist thing was just a conversation we had @ the resturant.
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