There's a group of people at my job that do Weightwatcher's meetings every Wednesday at lunchtime. I've been thinking lately that I could stand to lose a few pounds in my middle areas, so I decided to join the latest 10-week session (cost = $120).
So I had my "last fried zucchini" for breakfast this morning, and decided to go to the meeting at noon. As it got closer to the time though, I started to panic. How could I ever enjoy fried ice cream again, knowing how many "points" it was costing me? And what about sushi buffet? Sabritones? Taco Bell Mexican Pizza?? Dessert Diner??? Pie Contest????
When my friend came to get me for the meeting, I was actually pretty worked up. "I'm not going!" I yelled.
I rationalized my decision by saying that I'd instead use the money to buy a mini-fridge so I could make my own salads and sandwiches instead of eating fast-food for lunch every day. And that I really did need 2400 calories a day to survive, seeing as how I am 6-foot-5. And that all I really need to do is exercise more. So this will just be extra incentive. I don't need Weightwatchers, I can do it on my own!
So there you have it. I'm a Weightwatchers flunkee before I even started. At least I didn't have to lose $120 to figure it out.
Speaking of being neurotic about food, check out the latest picture of Nicole Ritchie out of Star Magazine.

Yeah, that really makes me want to stop eating my Sabritones. Uh-huh...
You're not allowed to tell me I'm too skinny for Weightwatchers. I meet their requirements for being overweight, so there.
Oh my fucking god, somebody give Nicole Richie a sandwich!
WOW!, that's the picture I had heard about on the radio. Gosh I hope its real! I'd love for that cunt's life to become a wreck.
hmm, was that a little to much?
Anyone who's at least five pounds above their "ideal" weight meets their requirements.
Nicole Richie doesn't have much time left. She looks like an old man.
die die die!
down with the monarchy!
I had someone ask me if I wanted to join WW with them. I refuse. I will not subject myself to openingly admitting what I ate in front of a bunch of strangers that are supposed to be my friends. I can do that on my hobo weight blog! haha
Hmm - well I'm not much for WW. However, I do believe there's something to diet: Take in 500 calories fewer per day, and you're losing 1 pound per week. Also, here's some good suggestions on boosting your metabolism:
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