So wow, it's been like almost a whole week since I blogged, huh? Here's a rambly post summing up what's been going on w/ me lately...
1) I dyed my hair red and cut off about 7 inches or so a week and a half ago. It's kinda subtle, but not really.
2) Went to Allison & Kelly's wedding. It was super-nice and we had a good time. We met some amazing best-friends-of-the-weekend - a young doctor from Chicago and her flamboyantly straight doctor-to-be husband. We took pictures, but Brian has the camera with him in his man-bag, so I haven't been able to upload them to the internets. Here are a couple pictures our best-friends-of-the-weekend sent us to tie you over:
The blushing brides

The Wine Ceremony


Attempting to congratulate the bride

3) Japanese class has been kicking my butt. It's 4 units and it's too late to audit. It's going to be really embarassing when I fail a community college class.
4) I'm heading up to Sacramento this weekend to see my law school girlfriends. It's going to be a pie party in more ways than one!
5) The Reno Biatches and I are brainstorming an all-girl's getaway for the Spring. Any ideas??
Great photos! So... Does Brian really have a "European cary-all" aka "man purse"... That's awesome. =)
Cograts Allison!!
Nice outfit. You went with the brown skirt and a new shirt?
Love the dresses they're wearing! BEAUTIFUL!
((you look great too!))
I feel like a heel for not saying Congrats to Allison and Kelly. I guess I was just so stunned by your beauty, Claudia.
A belated, but sincere, congratulations to Allison and Kelly.
oh and all girls get away? Depends on what you want to do!
I like Zephyr Cove in South Lake Tahoe
Santa Barbara or
Catalina Island
Napa for wine tasting and spa treatments
Hiking to Sykes Hot Spring in Big Sur
What else, what else....Cabo?
So now that they are married, are they going to have any kids soon?
Not quite yet, from what I understand.
Yas - Yes, he really has a man-bag. I got him a sweet black leather one for his birthday.
Shann-on - Yeah, I got that V neck tie-in-the-back shirt we first saw at banana republic and just wore it with the skirt I already had. I wore the red Ann Taylor top to the rehearsal dinner. Thanks for your ass-istance.
Shawna - thanks for the compliments and the good ideas!!
congrats to your friends!!!! I hope they have a happy life!!!
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