Anyway, here's an artist's rendering of Cat Lad. (Not sure what the purse is all about.)

And here's the real deal. Here's Cat Lad:

Here's Cat Lad in battle:

Cat Lad and his mascot:

Cat Lad showing off his mad climbing skillz:

Cat Lad incognito:

Cat Lad in his Cat-mobile:

Cat Lad saving a little boy from imminent peril:

So anyway, this has been my nephew's new thing for a little over a week now. Cat Lad comes out everywhere we go. This weekend, while furniture shopping with Cat Lad, we walked past two other little boys. Cat Lad let out his signature Cat Lad meowlp. The other boys responded with their own super-hero calls. One barked like a dog and the other made a noise like an elephant. The meowing and barking and elephant noises continued until we got into the car. Children can be so special.
It's not a purse, it's a very "Metro" Tool bag full of cat-burglery tools!
Cat Lad's arch nemesis is Fat Enid. Brian in that photo is some crazy-clown enemy. I don't think he has a name yet. The mask he's wearing is a Ghostrider mask. That's what Jesse is going to be for Halloween.
I hear Fat Enid has a killer piss spray that acts like kryptonite on Cat Lad.
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