I got my first grown-up purse on Saturday. She's beautiful and I named her Tallulah. Here she is:

I love her. Brian makes fun of me when he catches me gazing lovingly at her. He also gives me crap for spending so much money on her and her matching wallet of a little sister. It's really random that I got her. I just saw a friend with a really gorgeous designer bag and got all jealous and had to have one for myself. Weird.
What else? We saw the movie 300 the other night. I liked it for the same reasons I liked Sin City. You won't like it if you can't tolerate melodrama. But the visual effects were good, so overall I was pretty satisfied.
What else? Oh! I'm going to Reno next weekend to see my college girlie friends. I can't wait!!!
What else? Oh! I'm going to see the Dresden Dolls in concert in June. That is great great news because they are one of my favorite bands right now. They're coming with Cyndi Lauper and Erasure and a whole bunch of other bands for this big gayfest tour.
That's about it. I've pretty much been working 12-hour days this week, so I haven't had much time for anything too exciting to happen. Better luck next week.
don't know how much you paid for that, but i could have gotten it for you for $30 on any street corner in nyc...
Allison - Yes, but odds are it would look like a knock off. Tallulah is beautiful and perfect. And she is guaranteed for life.
And I don't live in NYC. Though we will be there Memorial Day weekend. Hmmm...
the fakes actually look pretty good. but i don't really know. i don't get the expense purse thing. is it to (straight) women what cars are to men? what's the appeal for you?
In this case, it was that my old purse was janky and from Ross and it made me embarassed. And my wallet was janky too.
When I saw my friend and her Coach purse, she just looked so grown-up and put together. I just had to have one like it. (Mine's not a Coach though - I didn't see any I liked of those when I went.)
So I guess it was part jealousy and part status symbol - it makes me feel super grown-up. Plus, other women now make comments about wanting it, so that makes me feel grown-up & cool.
This is all bad, isn't it?
Awe, so grown up, it's like when you finally started using tampons...my word verification is egosmug
I got myself another new "grown up" purse, too. It's the extremely elusive denim patchwork, by COACH. Try not to be too jealous of it, Claw. It goes with everything!
V - I refuse to be jealous. Besides, I'm not a big patchwork or denim fan.
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