Monday, March 24, 2008

I got nothin'...

What's it been, like two weeks since my last post? Sorry, I just got nothing. I've been seriously selfish for the last couple weeks, focusing mainly on exercise in my free time. It's quite nice, actually.

This week I fell off the wagon a bit on my dieting, but I've been exercising pretty consistently. I've taken to trying out new classes at the gym, biking to the gym, and committing to at least 30 minutes each day of solid physical activity. (There's a side story here about me being really bummed out after I showed up to water aerobics and there were only like 5 little old ladies there.)

I still think I gained two pounds this week, but I don't really care. I'm feeling good and I know that overall I'm persistent with my diet, so I know eventually the weight will come back off. It does kinda kill me though that we didn't have a weigh-in last week for spring break, and that I think I reached my overall goal then, but now I'm back up to what I was the week before. Oh well...

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