I didn't wear my top retainer in high school, so my teeth are crooked now. (The discoloration on my front tooth is a result of my brother throwing a rock at me as a kid.) If I want straight teeth again, I have to get braces for a year. The cost is $3,000. I'm 30-years-old. Would you do it if you were me?
My sister is doing invisiline braces that she got for 3,000. is that the kind you are thinking of doing?
Next time you should learn how to spell check.
Total stranger here. It will be worth it and you'll have years of being happy you did it, but can you work it through a medical flexible spending plan so you pay with pre tax dollars?
The doc said invisalign does not have guaranteed results, and for my teeth, he'd recommend normal braces. How are the invisaligns working for her? I also hear they're super messy and annoying to wear.
One bonus to braces is that when all is said and done, they will cement permanent retainers on both the top and the bottom, so no more shifting back for my teeth ever again.
As far as the flexplan goes, that's how I would be paying for it. So this wouldn't actually go down until January. Since I hope never to get succumb to the pressures of botox and restalene, I'm thinking straight teeth may be my only chance for beauty after I get all old and wrinkly.
How long will you need to wear them?
I'm with anonymous. This is one of those decisions whose benefits you'll reap for a long time. If you don't get them, you'll always wonder what you'd look like with straighter teeth.
I guess I'm the sole voice of dissent. I say don't do it. Perfect teeth are boring.
Jesse - keep talking if you want to get grounded.
Shannonie - One year. Jan 2009-Jan 2010.
I don't think you need them. Your teeth are nice. :)
I just think its awesome that you've had rocks thrown at your face, now I know the urge to pelt you with landscaping materials is normal.
Side note: I'm looking at getting them too, cost $8000, which would mean we can't makeout any more for fear we'd get stuck together.
i would get them. My teeth went a little crooked after my wisdom teeth came in...I would love to get braces (as long as it was just for a year)
I say go for it!
Stranger here again: I say one year will fly by. Go for it.
One year is nothing. I had to wear mine for a year and a half in high school. I also didn't wear my retainer. fortunately I have not have a huge difference in shifting, but I think that if I had, I would get braces again too. Only because I have a thing for smiles....
I had braces for a year when I was 30 (and had to pay $5000). I'm now 37, and I can tell you it was SO worth it. Every time I look at my teeth I'm happy instead of embarrassed or bothered by them. And there are more than cosmetic benefits--I get a lot fewer cavities now that my teeth aren't jammed so tightly together at funky angles.
I didn't get Invisalign either, but I do have one as a retainer. It's fine for sleeping in, but I thnik it would be a pain to wear full-time.
Do it! You won't regret it.
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