Friday I went to First Friday with Brian, Shannon and Kat. The night was a little surreal.
Shannon and I played pole-dancers on the glow-in-the-dark float. Kat didn't quite get into the evening until she got a much anticipated phone call. Then we met a guy who insisted he was John Kay, the lead singer of Steppenwolf, but really he wasn't. Quick discussion question: Who would lie about something like that?? Ok, granted, I've signed autographs as Rebecca Lobo before, but that's just because I didn't want to break the little kid's hearts when they thought I was her! Moving on..
Later, I saw a 6'8" guy who I think I used to date. It bugged me all night trying to remember. I found out the next day from Greg that in fact we had gone out a few times. I had met him way back when at Cafe Copioh and stopped seeing him because he was weird. He ended up dating a girl who was 4'11" after me, which made me bitter. I love having friends that pay attention. Anywayz..
Then we went over to the Fireside Lounge at the pimp-ass Peppermill. We thought it was just a regular old lounge until we looked around and noticed that everyone around us was making out. Everyone!! That made Brian and me hot, so we made out too! ;-) Ok, not really, we were just making fun. So anyway, that was Friday..
You couldn't make this shit up...
beautiful, claudia. LOVE it. weir dhow right after i posted pics i came over and saw those. everyone's minds are in agreement today.
I dunno. Maybe it was John Kay.
Friday was a blast. One question: Why didn't you cut me out of that one making out pic? :(
#104 I'm not photogenic whatsoever!
I was trying to show the people making out behind you guys. Sorry, next time I'll make sure to cut you out. ;-) You could maybe smile bigger - that might help??
There's no way man. John Kay has long straight thinner hair and is totally on tour right now. Not that I know anything about it...
i remember cafe copioh...we used to hang out there when i was in high school...a lot of goth people sorry i missed first friday! i wanted to go this time too!!! maybe next time....
Fabulous. Absolutely fabulous.
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