Wednesday we went kayaking in Coronado. The bay was beautiful, as were the 5 million dollar houses sitting on it. After kayaking, we just had to get some beach action, so David, Shannon, Brian and I walked along a nearby beach.
Wednesday night we went to Benihana for an early birthday celebration for Brian. Here's us & Neil:
Thursday Brian and I went to Sea World to get physiclly abused by sea animals. Here's us soaking wet:
Friday David, Brian, Yasmien, and my nephews Jesse and Tony went to Comic Con. It was pretty darn disappointing. I'll elaborate later. For now, here's a pic of all of us just before going in:
And one more of the kids and me inside:
Friday night Brian and I attempted to drop the kids off at home in Ontario. All was fine until we got held up on the freeway by a police chase. Apparently some idiot had stolen a semi truck and was driving it at about 10 mph down the I-15 South surrounded by three helicopters and about twenty police... Not sure what his plan was . Anyway, we travelled behind the chase at about 5 mph for about two hours before finally saying screw it and driving back to Ontario to spend the night. Not sure what happened to the dumbass truck thief.
Saturday we went to the beach and got sun burnt.
We then went to dinner at a mediocre restaurant called King's Fish House.
Sunday we went to Ikea. Shannon and David had never been, so it was fun to see it again for the first time through their eyes. I bought this sculpture (remind you of anyone?) and this other weird lighted plastic sculpture thingy for my office. We also stopped off to see the grandparents in Hinkley before driving home. That's about it!
Here are more pics of our San Diego trip, minus Sea World. My digital camera battery died and I had to get a disposable, so I'll 1-hour photo those soon.
And here are more pics of Comic Con as well.
I'd love to elaborate on the celebrities and sex furniture as promised, but I'm out of time for now. I'll get into all of that next time.
*pout* i like puffins.
Great time, but my lips are sunburn and now look all scabby and funky.
Yeah, let's hear about this sex furniture. Can I get a demonstration?
it looks like you guys had a blast!!!!!
Again, he signed up for it, so it'd be dumb if he got mad!! He was actually pretty nice though. I don't think he gets many fan sightings cuz he looked kinda surprised that I recognized him.
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