Boy, do I take lots of pictures. Two pages worth this time. You'll get the links in a second, but first the backstory..
We flew up to Reno for the New Year's weekend. Things didn't necessarily go as planned, but that was okay. The plan was to play in the snow and party in Tahoe New Year's Eve. That plan was foiled when Carson City, the place we'd planned to stay that night, declared an emergency evacuation because of flooding.
So our party moved to Reno instead.. Saturday we stalked our old friend Jae Yi, who we hadn't spoken to in about 6 years. We put our stalker-skillz to work and found a potential address for him. Then 10 of us - a random mix of friends from college and high school - showed up on his doorstep. Only it wasn't his doorstep. Turns out he'd moved just a few short days earlier. Damn.
So we inititated plan B. We called his parent's house in Vegas and got his new cell #. I love trusting family members.. Anyway, we met Jae for sushi later that night, which was a really good time. Mission accomplished.
Then it was off to exciting downtown Reno for some New Year's Eve action. The boys we met up w/ had some absinthe (that's read "ab-synth," not "abs in the" or "a.b.s. in the," as some might think. Inside joke, nevermind..) Anyway, the boys had absinthe in their hotel room, so they got nice and liquored up for the festivities.. Meanwhile, the rest of the group shared a nice, warm bottle of tequilla on the street just before midnight.
Shannon was the mack-momma-supa-star of the night, w/ her choice of 3-4 boys. (We suspect one was gay). Unfortunately, the one she chose wasn't quite able to finish out the night outside of the bathroom. (No wonder that shit's illegal..) Too bad for her..
Shannon's consolation prize is that she gets the "most-amazingly-cool-ex-girlfriend" award for not even batting an eyelash at the prospect that her ex-boyfriend David *might* be snogging the girl we were staying with. Props.
The weekend continued w/ lots of horrible, disgusting, immature, perverted euphemisms for sexual acts.. for example: the "Bismarck" and the "dirty sanchez".. warning, that link is horrifying..
New Year's day we finally got some snow action up on Donner Pass. It even snowed in Reno on Monday. So ultimatley we got our snow play adventure. And our absinthe adventure. And our Bismarck adventure.. Good times.
As promised, here are the pics w/ no captions and no fun themed background for now cuz I have no time!!
Reno Pics Page One and Reno Pics Page Two
i learned to wakeboard on that lake. i love donner.
Love the pictures! Looks like you guys had fun
Yeah, I love Donner too...especially the thigh meat, that's good eatin!
I had an f'n great time!! One of the best New Years yet.
But that zabasearch shit is still picking up info from when my Identity was stolen. Apparently my faux address in compton still picks us.
My god, that stupid blue hat does make me look like a cancer patient.
zabasearch finds me one year younger, living where i lived 6 years ago. man that's a great search!
It's to bad you guys didn't make it to Tahoe. I WAS going there for New Years until I heard about the storm.
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