My consolation prize is a night of decadent TV. America's Next Top Model Cycle 6 premieres tonight with a 2-hour episode. I like these girls, just based on a quick review of the web profiles:

Sara - She's my favorite cuz she's TALL (6'1"), she's from Davis, CA (Go Aggies!), she likes Law & Order, and her lips are hot.

Jade - I like her cuz her look is unique.

Leslie - Her smile is super cute.
As if that weren't enough to satify my appetitie for fashion and scandal, the finale of the best show ever - Project Runway is right after. I have never been so excited for a finale in all my life. I'm actually rooting for Santino, the resident a$^hole. I think he'll do the best job of standing out. Plus I think he's hilarious and just got a bad rap on the show.
Any predictions for tonight's fashion & cattiness extravaganza?
Yeah, but she can't sing. I think this is her last week.
I totally disagree. There ain't any room for her! It'll be Kelly Pickler, Lisa, Katheryn, that little obnoxious girl they're in love with (Paris?), Maniba or whatever her name is, and I'm rooting for the chesty girl who did the heart song to be the 6th. The girl with the crazy-deep voice and the tall chick are SO gone.
The female Gary Coleman annoys the piss out of me. Kathryn is the best of the girls. Plus she's easy on the eyes too.
Kinnik Sky looks like a former man.
We call the the big girl the "Man Diesel" or at least I do. Cause that's what her name sounds like.
And Randy is being a total crap-ass with this "We got a hot one in here tonight."
He ain't ain't nuthin but a jive sucka.
Santino is so in, he had me at "you can't polish a turd".
Sara eyes are too far apart, he mother must of had alcohol when she was preg.
Jade is nice, but what's with that fro.
Leslie, yes, nice smile. Did she just smoke a joint....she needs wider eyes.
Not that I watched the show or anything, but my current favorites are Sara and Nnenna the Nigerian.
Too bad they didn't select the homophobic racist. That woulda been good tv ala Jerry Springer...
Maybe it was just too much build-up, but I really wasn't blown away by any of the designer's collections. I feel like they all just punted it.
I agreed with the judges that Chloe's was the best - only because it was the most interesting. But even it wasn't all that special. Last year's contestants put on way better runway shows.
I didn't finish watching Top Model. I ran out of stream after the first hour. That's not a good way to start the season.
Shannon - I don't think the racist girl would have survived even a week in that house w/ out getting her ass beat.
Really, are any of these girls even remotely interesting other than they're bitchy on camera? I've tried to watch it, Claudia, but I just can't. Don't hate me because of this.
It's alright Todd. Not everyone "gets it." I still love you.
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