I gotta do this fast. My husband is going to be so pissed when he comes home and finds out that I haven't done anything all day except play on the computer . So here are the pics that I failed to label/upload before (including more fun quincenera pics just for Shannon), plus pics of last night's dildo party. Vanessa did an amazing job. And we're all very excited to see how
Rebecca's benwa balls experiment goes. So anyway, here's a little taste followed by all the new links.
V's First Dildo PartyMore Quincenera PicsMas photos en DallasMoustache PartyJames/Scott's Birthday
OMG! I am shocked! Nice enough pic though....my friend Neo, who's on the "receiving" end in the pic is gonna love this...
I hereby ask permission to use your cousin's picture as my next myspace picture. I'm sorry. It's too brilliant.
Seriously! How many Dildo parties can you people have? Aren't there any REAL men in Vegas?
And the Quincenera pics...I don't want to say anything but............Um......YA...
Shannon - No, you don't have my permission to openly mock my cousin on your myspace.
Look man, it's not just dildos. There's all kinds of sassy products a girl might need refills on, ok???
My question is, was she happy with the way the dress turned out?
Shawna, who do you think those dildos are for?
Ah ...it all makes sense now!
haha i just saw the pixs of byans mom and oh my...sory on my monday drunk njght...hehe...oh weow..hope that when you bing here to mine it wont be baD!!! btw blink tules harde care!!!
blink tules harde care??? You are TOO funny when you drunk blog!
So who is the hot redhead with the moustaches, Gaea?
Who wants to know?
Hey, I'm getting tired of these fake plastic penis's - What else is happening in Vegas? Do we have fake vagina's we could showcase too?
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