Day one: Honolulu, Oahu - Just got settled on the cruise ship.

Day two: Nawiliwili, Kauai - We went on a super-long hike to a hidden waterfall and got eaten alive by mosquitos.. It was a good time nonetheless.

Day three: Nawiliwili, Kauai - We went ziplining! It rocked..

Day four: Hilo, Hawaii - (And here's page two.) - We had separate daytrips. Brian really wanted to see flowing lava up close, so I told him to go ahead w/ out me. (The 7-mile hike to get to the flowing stuff was not really my bag..) Here's Brian w/ flowing lava though:

Days five through eight are still in the works...
Thanks for the postcard, btw.
Some things…
1.What is with you two always getting cabin with 69 in the number?
2.I know those cabins are pretty small so did everyone hear you having sex?
3.I didn’t know Brian owned shorts?
Man! It looks like you guys did a ton! I was looking at the "excursions" that I can take when I'm on my cruise and all of them are like $50 and above. But I'm bound and determined to go on at least 2! I mean, look at you two! Zipline? Did you like that?
Housekeeper -
1) I don't know man, we caught onto that fact too.. Maybe the Gods are trying to tell us something.
2) How would I know? I was too busy having sex.
3) That's right baby.. That's some pure Eagle Scout goodness going on there.
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