One of the nice things about putting cameras out on the tables at weddings is getting back gems like these. Real nice guys. Don't worry, the last pic doesn't make you look gay at all... Any guesses on which hairy thighs belong to whom? You can click on the photo to make it MUCH MUCH BIGGER. :-) (Hint: it's worth the effort!) Thanks for the laughs Table 6. Don't worry Table 7, you're getting your own blogpost very soon.
I thought maybe they turned the table number upside down.. I'll have to go back and see what table it really was. ANYWAY, is that your guess? In that order? If so, guess again. :-)
Yeah, that was table 9. What's this I hear about the fabled tampon cigars?
C'mon. It's Nat, J, and Greg. Ok. We all know the last one is Greg. The skinny legs is Nat, right? And the middle one ain't Brad...I'm talking about the picture where they're all standing 'round the commonde.
haha i saw them on first time looking....not that i was looking...well whatever...shannon, i am posting the tampon cigars tonight. you can see them tomorrow!
oh please... anyone who went to the april fool's it's not st. patty's party has seen nat and j's junk. and from what i hear, more than a few readers of this blog have seen greg's too. :P i am SO over it.
Uh Oh...I think I recognize some of the streak marks on one of those pair of boxers!
and dude! I can see your balls!
Uh and ya...I think that was table 9 not 6! Nat...J ....Greg
I thought maybe they turned the table number upside down.. I'll have to go back and see what table it really was. ANYWAY, is that your guess? In that order? If so, guess again. :-)
Yeah, that was table 9. What's this I hear about the fabled tampon cigars?
C'mon. It's Nat, J, and Greg. Ok. We all know the last one is Greg. The skinny legs is Nat, right? And the middle one ain't Brad...I'm talking about the picture where they're all standing 'round the commonde.
no not in that order...
oh...but hey...J needs a longer tie! PLEEEAASSE!
I have no idea who any of them are, but the last one you can see nuts...thanks buddy.
Greg - with those types of pictures...there is no "GOOD" picture!
ROFL! I totally didn't notice until Shawna and Hskpr pointed it, er them, out.
I feel like I need to post a photo of my balls now.
haha i saw them on first time looking....not that i was looking...well whatever...shannon, i am posting the tampon cigars tonight. you can see them tomorrow!
oh please... anyone who went to the april fool's it's not st. patty's party has seen nat and j's junk. and from what i hear, more than a few readers of this blog have seen greg's too. :P i am SO over it.
I think sitting on the pot and circle-jerking over a toilet is a little more traumatic for me than a flip-up of the old kilt.. call me crazy.
I missed the kilt fiasco.
Yo, mind if I borrow a picture from this post? It would be perfect for what I blogged about today. Thanks in advance.
Egan - which pic and what's the post about?
I think you found it alright. How says boys don't have fun in the bathroom?
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