Holy crap, I can't wait for July 18th. That's the day that The Best of She-ra - Princess of Power comes out on DVD. It'll be the first time in like 15 years that we get to see the old She-Ra cartoons.
Oh my gosh. This is even cooler than when I won the lottery to buy the 20th anniversary She-ra action figure at ComicCon two years ago. (SLURP)
I think you have totally outgeeked yourself!
However, I loved She-ra.
I think the part that got me was the ComicCon lottery thing
I loved She Ra action figures when I was a kid.
Brian's in trouble...this is gonna be like porn for you. She-Ra as the anal back lizard.
No matter how you slice it, She-Ra is not cool. It was an uninspired rip-off to extend sales of action figures to girls after the success of He-Man. The animation was terrible, and the swords did nothing but turn someone into their alter-ego, or block freeze rays. Nobody ever got cut.
If it was so lame, how come you watched it? AND still remember the details 20 years later?!
Let's talk about that queer Prince Adam and his whiny little bitch-cat. And what was up w/ that buff-ass skeleton??? Now THAT SHOW was lame.
Prince Adam was one of the first positive gay role models on tv. He-man was the forerunner for shows like Queer Eye, Will & Grace, Queer as Folk and Perfect Strangers. If it wasn't for him, men like LGD might never have come out and there'd be a lot less man on man knob bobbin'.
I just like how super-heroines always have to have super breasts. I don't know about you, but all the women I've seen with super-abilities were pretty flat chested and butch.
Those things would get in the way of swinging your sword and shooting your arrows. Let alone running, oy!
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