So the-Friday-before-last, a bunch of us went over to Brad's for Pokerstar Galactica night. The night was a combination of watching the first episode of the Battlestar Galactica TV series (which was actually better than I thought. SLURP.), followed by a game of poker.
The buy-in was $10 a piece, and there were 11 of us there total. At first, I didn't want to play. I will be the first to admit that I am terrible at poker and I'm not all that fond of giving away money. Plus, I'm totally intimidated by Vanessa, who is a vicious poker player. So I didn't want to play, but then I found out it was either that or babysit the kids, so I chose to play.
At first, I hung back. I bet low and folded early and often. Eventually, all the big, bold players were out ('cept for Vanessa) and it was just the ladies - Vanessa, Sondra, and me.
Vanessa tried to bully me out of the game with her bluffing. I held firm though and, despite my meager pot, I went all in. Just like a scene from a movie, I came back with, like, a really good hand. If I knew anything about poker, I'd know what it was called, but I don't, so I don't. All I know is that the cards were 10,10,J,Q,K,A and that that was good enough to take her out of the game. I had come back from nothing.
Here is me realizing that all of the money on the table was now mine:

And here is a bird's-eye-view of my cash-money:

I guess losing makes other people angry, because from that point forward, all I got was a bunch of crap from Shannon and Vanessa about how I was lying about not knowing how to play. Jealousy can be such an ugly thing. Here's me ignoring the haters and putting down some of their hard-lost money on my next hand:

Not knowing what I was doing, combined with wanting to end the game fast, I ended up betting all my money on some really crappy hands. Here is me a few minutes later losing:

I ended up coming in second place and winning $30. Not too shabby for it being only my second time playing, and playing against some pretty aggressive opponents. All in all, it was a successful and entertaining night.
I have that same shirt. Please don't wear it when I do, I hate matching people :P
Wow, who ever took those photos must be a photographic genius. Look how she, or he, captured the moment...
Yeah, that one Jesse took from above of the poker chips was pretty good, huh?
I want to see your camping pictures!!
I would do it the other way around, personally. I MEAN.... nevermind.
Don't get down, you weren't in your holding a deck of cards half naked in a park.
I'm scandalized.
Oh gross....I just developed mental pictures of that whole scenario...backwards and forwards, and well...forwards and backwards....oh wait...I'm turning myself on....;-)
Wait - scandalized and grossed out by me half-naked in the park or by the liquor in the front discussion? Cuz if it's about me, I'm offended!!
Def not about you!
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