I watched Derailed and Wedding Crashers. Both were pretty good. I wondered where the hell Derailed was going after like the first 15 minutes, but then it picked up really quickly and had lots of twists and turns. My advice is to push through; keep watching, even if you hate extra-marital affairs and rape scenes.
Wedding Crashers was cute. I think I'm officially over Owen Wilson now though. And officially madly, deeply in love with Clive Owen. Mmmm.... Anyway, back to Wedding Crashers. I got to see Brian's sister's boyfriend in it, so that was kinda cool. He was the cousin who says "Crabcakes and football - that's what Maryland DOES!" Apparenlty that's an often-quoted part of the movie. ((Shrug)) It's a ringtone available here if you want it.
Anyway... this weekend I also started watching a show I thought was really cool. It's called Little People, Big World. It's about this family where the mom and dad are dwarves, and they have twin boys, one of which is a dwarf and the other of which is not. They also have two other children who are both average height. I found the show extraordinarily compelling.
So now I know what to do about an issue I was having with my myspace. Coincidentally, a lot of "little people" have been sending me friend requests lately. Now, as a general rule, I don't approve people I don't know, mostly because I don't want to get their random bulletins. But I do make an exception for other tall people. Now I think I'm going to make an exception for little people. Watching the show, I totally understand why they would want to friend-request me, even if they don't know me. We're two sides of the same coin.
Ah, I'm sorry your sick!
I still have not seen Wedding Crashers! Can you believe that?
I saw one episode of Little People Big World and thought it was pretty cool.
Damn, that was stream of consciousness. From Being sick, to Clive Owen, to Brian's sister's boyfriend, to midgets.
I haven't seen Little People, Big World, but I do get perverse pleasure out of watching "Honey we're killing the kids." I don't know why. I think it's because I'm aloof.
Dude Shannon...Midget is a totally unPC term it's little people or dwarfs...I'm going to send my unicorn after you.
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