Today I didn't even have to use my AK. Yesterday is an altogether different story. We went shooting with Brad. It was freezing, so I stayed in the car and gossiped for the most part, but I did get out a few times and shoot a rifle, a 357 Magnum, and an AK-47. Here are the
pics from my camera.
Brad has way more.
That's hot.
Creepy... after watching Bowling for Columbine, I couldn't do it.
Bowling for columbine was such a piece of shit propaganda that only halfwits could fall for.
Don't give qqflyboy a gun; he might shoot Bradley for calling him a halfwit.
Why do people who like guns have to resort to calling people names? Is that because they aren't capable of an intelligent discussion? Then again, gun lovers have Elisabeth Hasselbeck fighting for them so I guess I shouldn't expect much more.
Fight! Fight!...Here's a new topic-is breast surgery worth the potential for loss of nipple sensation...now debate.
I would say not. I am a nipple pig, so it would sadden me if there was no sensation, or loss of it.
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