So the chick at work who sent me the crazy card and I finally had it out. She bawled for like an hour and we went back and forth about how the misunderstanding came about. FINALLY, she admitted that the reason she was so upset was because she was hurt that I didn't invite her to my bridal shower and wedding. Ah-haaaa.... it all makes sense now. At that point, I didn't feel bad for her. This guest list has given me more stress and drama than any other part of this wedding. People need to chill the fuck out - especially her.
Dude, I wasn't invited either. No biggie. Feelings no hurtie.
Want me to tail her so she doesn't stalk your wedding? We could fashion one of those cool blowdart things.
Well Jen, I didn't want to say anything before, but now that you brought it up, I was SO OFFENDED that you didn't nvite me to your big-fat-Greek-wedding, that I intentionally left you off my guest list out of pure bitter spite and malice. I mean, yeah, I know we didn't know each other back then, but still.. You knew I knew Kat. You should have known I liked Greek food and Greek weddings.. I guess I know where we stand (Cry cry...)
Where's that boy-butter, btw? The honeymoon's only a week away! You and Demetri kept it for yourselves, didn't you? Flippin' pregnancy sex..
I'm withholding it for an invitation...
Actually, it's sitting on my desk, all envelopey and everything. I just haven't put postage on it yet.
what a stupid girl....you know claudia, i wouldnt have been offended if i hadnt got an invitaion.....i was actually suprised...haha....
Don't worry Randi, you were on the B-list anyway. Awe, just kidding!!!! Take me back!
I was (sniff) left out too - but I'll go take some pills to sleep off the pain...
And I guess I'm a boy and all
I have no sympathy for you...this is just karma for giving me shit about my wedding for the last six year. What comes around goes around...beoch. Hugs and kisses on all your pink parts!
Wait? You're getting married? I'm still waiting for my invitation...What if I promise to keep Shannon and myself off of the tables during the 1st dance? Can I come then?
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