I hated that it had no story, which is just a personal preference. Also there was too much going on all over the place to follow all of it. Apparently I missed the lesbian orgies portion of it! Damn those captivating trapeze people drawing my attention up to the sky!! Granted, the theme is "a collection of dreams," but I think that's sort of a big cop-out excuse for not having to think of a creative way to incorporate random acrobatics with gibbering french-men, kooky costumes and a cool set.
Nit-picky-wise, I also hated that people kept jumping into the water. It sorta made me wince inside each time someone jumped in - like damn, it's cold, why they gotta be jumping into the water fully clothed?? And man, they just put that new dry outfit on, now they're going to get it wet?? What a waste! So that was stupid, but it did bother me.
So yeah, bottom line - it was the formulaic romantic comedy of Vegas strip shows. All the elements were there for it to be good (expensive set, talented acrobats, cool costumes, silly gibbering comic relief), but it didn't manage to carve it's own niche. Money is better spent on Ka.
No, this one was courtesy of TBHE (the best husband ever). Brian is doing the cover art for the musical CD of the show, so it was purely for research purposes.
Wait?! THey stole the homoerotic bubble boys?
they didn't steal them. they just hired their twins. i've seen mystere since le reve opened and the homos are still there.
But wasn't Ka a Cirque show too? That one somehow managed to carve out it's own niche. I've also seen the travelling Cirque show Draleon and that one was pretty distinctive too (while still incorporating the same elements).
Oh! One more thing about this show - the music. Not so good. Kinda 80's rock opera-esque.
from what i've heard, the guy who used to do cirque tried to do his own thing... but obviously failed.
Did you se Le Reve Kat? What'd you and/or J think of it?
i didn't see it but j has some strong opinions about it. how lame that brian got 2 free tickets cause he designed the cd cover, but my boyfriend did all of the automation and gear for the freaking show and i never got to go. :P
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