This is Red Flyer. He's my new friend from the Friends With You line of toys. His tag explains why he's special:
"Ever wonder what God looks like? Well this is him, and boy does he look different. At the subatomic level, he is literally the fabric of space as we understand it. He is what makes up the earth, the air, the water and, well, everything. Swipe your arms through the air and you are reconfiguring an unimaginable amount of Red Flyers. In his enlarged state, he offers invincibility and absolute power to his human companion."
I'll take this cute little guy over a new-best-friend-of-the-week anyday...
I predict he'll go f'n bonkers in three weeks and you'll give him to your cats out of spite. You can see it in his eyes and that pointy thing on the top of his head.
You just never know these days which bf's otw are going to pan out and which ones you're going to sacrifice to the cats..
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