So we saw Matchpoint this weekend, and I really enjoyed it. I was surprised to see that the film only got one Oscar nomination (best original screenplay). It was a really clever flick though! Very engaging. Very entertaining. And I love ScarJo in general, but I ESPECIALLY loved her in this. Wet in a white shirt, making out in a field.. running around in her underwear... she was amazing.. :-) Her acting wasn't half bad either. Actually, thinking back, almost everyone in the movie was hot. Woody Alllen definitely knows how to put together a cast of hotties. The movie itself was this weird but cool combination of witty and funny and tense. It was really unique, which is like the #2 thing I look for in a movie (right behind entertaining). So yeah, definitely worth seeing in the theater. Final grade = A.
When I said I wouldn't pay for it, I thought it was going to be that movie with Kirsten Dunst where she falls in love with some british guy...
I also thought it was an excellent movie. Not as much of a chick flick as I thought....
The one thing I like about ScarJo, is that she's not anorexic. She's totally hot, but not in a very naturally sexy way- not like Linsay Lohan on a cocaine binge.
AND Bonus for no red lipstick.
I mean "She's totally hot, but in a very naturally sexy way"
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