My heart's still all 'a flutter! You asked why I love
Top Model, and now I answer.... Here are a few of the things I loved about last night's season premiere:
1. Watching pretty girls fall on the runway.. It just never gets old.
2. Chicks who walk like men in dresses - har har har har har!
3. Men in dresses who walk like chicks. (Mommy... daddy.. I'm so confused!)
4. Kim (this season's token lesbian model) assures Tyra that she won't kiss girls along the way while working the catwalk. (Tyra thinks about it for a sec and decides to go ahead and encourage what she calls Kim's "masculinity" on the runway. Great minds really do think alike.. heh heh heh.)
5. The Jehovah's Witness layaway plan - sin now, pay later!
6. Nic, Nic, Nic, NIc, NIc, Nic, Nic, Nic - She's my new pick to win the whole enchilada.
7. Tyra's mad Perry Mason skillz (e.g., "Name three Cover Girls! A-ha! Fake!!" ...."What's the most recent community service you've done. A-ha! Fake!" That girl is GOOD.
8. "In my family, we have a 'pretty gene."" Wow, Yeah, me too. :-)
9. "I'm 'the jam.' I just don't understand. Who wouldn't want to butter their bread with me??" (Be forewarned. This is my new favorite catchphrase. :-) )
10. Learning to embrace your own annoyingness. (I am like the zen master at this!)
11. Three words: BIG ASS LIPS.
12. Ebony, Ashley and Nic in their swimsuits.
13. "Since I sold cows, I think I could REALLY sell Cover Girl." (Logic so sound, there's no disputing it.)
14. REALLY SMART remarks. Take note: "I think I have a pretty good head on my shoulder."
15. "Small-town girls" who are "open" to "full-blown lesbians."
16. Requisite lesbian kiss. Check.
17. Three more words: CRAZY CANTELOUPE LIPS.
18. Tyra's sadistic little habit of keeping around train-wreck model wannabes, just for shits and giggles.
So yeah, that's just a random sampling. Bottom line, the girls are nice eye-candy and you can't write material this deliciously shallow.