Behold, the GREATEST MOMENT IN LIVE TV. EVER. EVER EVER. You'll have to cut and paste it from here though cuz I can't get the damn thing to link.
WMP version is here: http://movies.crooksandliars.com/Kayne-West-Bush-Black-People.wmv
Quicktime version is here: http://movies.crooksandliars.com/Kayne-West-Bush-Black-People.mov
Poor Mike Meyers and Chris Tucker are like deer in headlights. If you haven't seen this yet, watch it now. It's awesome. Make sure to watch the whole thing - the end was the best part. It only aired on the East Coast. NBC edited it from the West Coast broadcast. I watched it 10 times and it still hasn't gotten old. GO KANYE! FIGHT THE POWER!!
He sounds like a retard. The guy can't say a single sentence without st-st-stu-stuttering. Mike Meyers is just like "shut the fuck up you ignorant black person." You can even see his adam apple when he gulps at Kayne's little rant.
I thought the stuttering was endearing. I liked him 1000x more as a nervous stutterer speaking from the heart than as a pompous hip-hop brat, like he's been all the other times I've seen him.
holy shit i love this guy. LOVE him. but poor mike meyers....
Well, he played the race card with all the 'my people' stuff. Its not like help didn't show up fast enough cause most of the people in need were black! And as far as ignorant...at least if ya gonna go sans cuecard, have a 'well' thought out planned speech and don't just keep ramblin on like he did. It's live TV!
I found his comment to be inappropriate. Many of the viewers were tuning in to possibly donate etc. It was a damn telethon. If he wants to take the time to express his opinion of the president, he shouldn't have done it during a fundraiser. I think it only hurts the program. I may agree with his message, but I found the medium used to be in bad judgement. He didn't persuade anybody into doing anything but turn the channel. It was an immature move by a spoiled brat.
But I still like him.
Yeah, I didn't understand much of what he said other than "bush don't like black people" He could have thought of somthing more coherant. With guys like Kayne West ranting on TV we won't need the good ole boys or the kkk to encourage the division of the races.
My favorite part about the whole thing was actually how inappriate it was! I could not stop laughing. Love love loved the stunned reactions.
And he was stuttering cuz he was overcome w/ emotion. That took so much courage on his part to come out and say what he felt. It was totally inspiring.. which telethons need to be.
And the race issue was like the elephant in the room. Everyone knew it was an issue, but was afraid to say anything. You can't beat people up for pointing out that something smells fishy. Props to Kanye for saying what he felt. I totally agreed with what he said - the parts I could decipher anyway.
I saw it replayed on CNN and also loved the inappropriateness of the comment. I especially liked it when they cut to Chris Tucker and he obviously didn't know what to say.
I agree that race was the white elephant in the room. It's something that no one likes to discuss, everyone resents having to discuss, and everyone denies being an issue. People want to think we are beyond Race, but we aren't. Maybe his comment wasn't the most intellegent way to open a discussion, but at least it did.
Race is simply the fly circling the anus of a behemoth of a problem. That behemoth is the disparity of wealth. This ignoramus, Kanye West, happily contributes to that problem.
I came across this article by Ben Stein. Even though its in The American Spectator, its worthy of reading. I didn't vote for Bush, but I do think that he has very little to do with the situation in New Orleans.
Good reason to get the heck outta town...
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