7:15am - 12 oz. Diet Pepsi & a Wheat Bagel
8:30am - Zone Perfect Fudge Graham Protein Bar
9:30am - A bag of Chile and Lime Sabritones (3 servings apparently), a 40 oz. Cola Slurpee, and a bag of Oriental Snack Mix (2.5 servings apparently)
12:30pm - Six-inch Tuna Sub on Wheat bread and a 16 oz. Diet Pepsi
I'm thinking it was either the caffeine, the hypersweet slurpee, or the 100% of my daily sodium intake I've consumed already.
mmmmm...sabritones. I keep forgetting what they're called and call them "Sabritas" instead.
At least you selected wheat bread and bagel.
There was a convenience store near downtown Louisville where, legend had it, if you ordered a "red" or "blue" you would get a slurpee filled with pure grain alcohol. Obviously, this place didn't have a liquor license, and they apparently didn't care about the age of the customers either.
so after all that, what is the purpose of the diet soda?
Every bit counts! It's like saving pennies.
haha....good point.
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