1) Packed TWO bags for a trip that would last less than 24 hours and I forgot my hairdryer. Because I went from an all-day class straight to the airport and then straight to the concert, I had to get ready at the airport. After realizing I'd forgotten my hair dryer, I ended up blow-drying my hair upside-down under one of those hand dryers in the bathroom, just like Madonna in Desperately Seeking Susan.
2) Security didn't harass me about my camera at the door, so I just figured it was cool to bring it in. Right before Tori is about to go on, we start taking photos just for fun, right in front of security and everyone else. So security came over and took my camera for safe-keeping. :-( But not before the security guard snapped this nice picture of us. :-)

3) Didn't notice the concert was outside when I bought the tickets. I had packed five tank tops for the overnight trip but not one jacket, sweater, or long-sleeved shirt. Needless to say, I was frozen the entire 3-hour concert. Thank goodness for Scott who was nice enough to loan me his jacket.
4) Took my 7 mos. pregnant friend's word for it when she said it'd be cool for me to stumble into her house at 2:30am. Scott & Shawna dropped me off at what they thought was the front gate to the complex. It wasn't though. I stumbled around drunk and scantily clad on the streets of LA for like half an hour, calling my friend every couple of minutes to see if I was close. She was not pleased. :-(
For all my dumbassed moves, the weekend turned out to be really fun. After the concert, we went to a karaoke bar. Our songs didn't get called, but we had a good time anyway.

Then Sunday my TWO pregnant friends did a sweet little bridal brunch for me. That was really cool.

Ack! it DOES look like I'm tube feeding Terri Schaivo! HEHE!
Hey...love that white top you are wearing in the pic with your prego friend!
man you had quite the weekend!
How do you know so many pregnant people? ::fear::
Dude, I don't know. I've got those two law school friends who are pregnant right now, two college friends who are pregnant right now, two pregnant friends at work, and now Jen! Hopefully it's just a coincidence and doesn't have anything to do with that turkey-baster trick I do when my drunk friends pass out.. :-)
i know 3 pregnant people. don't drink the water. or the kool aid.
I feel so attractive!
What a nice way to thank me!
Hey, no one told you to pick yuor nose for the picture, Nosy McPickster.
(perhaps she is seeking special ingredient that made Cory's potatoes so delicious...)
Oops, did I just pull a Quayle? I did, didn't I.
no, you're ok. quayle spells potato in the singular p-o-t-a-t-o-e. in plural, it really does have an E.
Panic strikes me whenever I spell potatoes.
This must be the age where I should be breeding. Oh well. Next life perhaps.
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