First, an announcement: Don't call me ever again between 8 p.m. and 10 p.m. on a Wednesday night. I am officially busy during that time for the rest of the fall season.
UPN got me "churning butter" last night (very gross inside joke) when it followed last night's episode of Top Model w/ the season premiere of Veronica Mars. Pitter patter, pitter patter.... stand back, give the girl some air...
Top Model was Top Model. Nothing super fantastic happened.. they said "fierce" like 32 times in one episode. (I'd make a drinking game out of it, but, frankly, I'm not that suicidal.) There was a special guest appearance by some super gay rainbow who looked like he'd been spawned from a 3-way between Boy George, Pinhead from Hellraiser, and Judy Tanuda. He was weird and I didn't like him..
The girls got traumatic makeovers.. the whiney girl whined, the arrogant girl bragged, the angry girl mocked everybody.. standard stuff. We learned a new word: "weavologist." (how many years do you have to go to school to do that??) Then, in the final elimination, the fat girl and the least prettiest girl were in the bottom two, (big shocker there) w/ the fat girl getting the pity vote and the least pretty getting to go home.
Veronica Mars, on the other hand, was pure heaven. You must watch this show. It is THE BEST WRITTEN, BEST ACTED, BEST EVERYTHING show on tv right now. Better than Top Model. That's all I'll say. Just watch it.
I bet the "weavologist" would have won the "most educated" award at your HS reunion. Also, you have to see "Party Monster", its about the freaky special guest on Top Model last night.
No, sorry I'm not an NYC hipster like you Allison, I don't know who that mutant was. :-P
W/r/t next week, oh yes! FINALLY, some lesbo model action!! Is it me, or has this show become totally gay. Brian said all the girls on it look like boys and all the boys on it look like girls..
you know i dont watch tv shows, and i know i talk mad shit on it, but every week when you update on top model, i go to the site and check out the new pics...im a big hypocrit....
OH! I can't believe I forgot to blog this - Did anyone check out Naima doing a HORRIBLE acting job on Veronica Mars?? She played the new jounalism teacher. Thank goodness they killed her off by the end of the first episode though. :-) Look at that network synergy though - I am totally UPN's bitch!
Randi - I think you're probably just really really bored at work. :-)
i think you are right claudia....haha
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