Monday, June 19, 2006

The Thought That Counts

I saw this Holy Toast Maker at the store today. For some reason, I thought Shannon might like it. I was going to get it for her, but then I figured I'd just save my $6 and blog the sentiment instead. Enjoy, Shannon!


Sweet Coalminer said...

I have found while unemployed that it is MUCH cheaper to tell people what you would have bought them than to actually buy them things. :)

Shannon said...

OMFG! That's awesome! I really would've loved to have received such a gift. ::sprinkling guilt::

Cladeedah said...

Shannon - I also considered the issue of clutter in your life. This kind of impulse purchase may seem like a good idea at the time, but then it just ends up cluttering up your misc items kitchen drawer and getting sold for $0.50 at a yard sale in 10 years. I think you should thank me for sparing you all the trouble.