Thursday, June 15, 2006

This is getting ridiculous

I think I have the bird flu. Or tuberculosis. I'm now on day 7 of being super-sick. My nose is all chapped from blowing it so much. I'm still all filled up with flem and coughing up green egg yolks. It pains me to speak or cough. One side of my lymph nodes is swollen more than the other. Is that a good thing or a bad thing? I'm generally against antibiotics, but I'm starting to consider it. At what point should someone go to a doctor for a cold?


Shawna said...

Gross! Get it checked out.

Anonymous said...

My husband was sick like that all of last week. He went and bought Mucinex. He felt better a couple of days after that.

The doc says wait 7 days and if it hasn't cleared up by then go to the doc!
I will ususally always wait the 7 days b/c doctors always wanna give perscriptions. Alot of the time they will perscribe antibiotics....which ONLY helps if you have a bacterial infection. Not a viral infection.

Housekeeper said...

If you die can I have your barbie collection?

sugafree9 said...

You can be like Jim Henson!