Tuesday, April 18, 2006

My invisible voice

I think I sometimes talk at a tone level that some people just can't hear. Yesterday at Chipotle (where I eventually ended up having dinner - just my husband and me), I said something loudly and clearly (I know it was loud and clear, cuz even my poor deaf hubby heard it) to the lady behind the counter. She was like a foot and a half away from us, looking down, sorting salad or something. Anyway, she didn't even flinch! I said it again, and still no response. Guess I was just using my invisible voice again...


Shawna said...

Happens to me ALL the time. I especially hate it...when you repeat yourself and they STILL don't hear it and begin to walk away. Errrgg

sugafree9 said...

Sorting salad? I hate that.

Cladeedah said...

It's better than tossing salad, I suppose.