Sunday, April 30, 2006

Swimming with Sharks

Last Friday, I went to this seminar on how to defend DUI cases. It was put on by the state bar, so both prosecutors and defense attorneys were allowed to attend. Only about 4 prosecutors went, though, including myself; compared to about 200 defense attorneys that were there.

The stuff the lecturers talked about was vile. Lots of tricky-dick kind of stuff, lots of bad-mouthing of M.A.D.D., spreading of misinformation, and bragging about getting off guilty-as-sin drunk-drivers.

I wanted to argue against a couple of points that got brought up, but, really, it would have been like spilling a droplet of blood into an ocean full of sharks. No thanks.

1 comment:

Miss Huang said...

That's funny that they're bragging about getting criminals off. There is something so wrong with that.