Thursday, May 11, 2006

I found the secret to life...

...I'm okay when everything is not okay.

All in the same week, what are the odds?:

1) Two root canals
2) Police are called to my house (by one of my dial-happy nephews)
3) Cat runs away (he's back now)
4) Japanese final on two separate days
5) Pap smear
6) Jury duty

But the big payoff is coming next week. We leave for New York City on Wednesday night.

(How sweet, sweet, sweet, the sting.)


Randi@SowderingAbout said...

I would have been pissed....

if it makes you feel better I might have to get one root canal.....

and shorty ran away last night...but was just across the street at the park....

and I thought I was getting a warrant....but I didnt

hope maybe you feel better.... :)

Housekeeper said...

Damn it Allison, you beat me to it.

Cladeedah said...

NO WAY! I only go to gynos that don't make me feel naughty for making the faces I make during papsmears now.

Randi@SowderingAbout said...


Bradley said...

You so naughty!