Saturday, August 05, 2006

It must be official, if it's on the internet

According to US Weekly, David Spade has officially changed his myspace dating status to "In a Relationship," which supports the theory that he is dating Heather Locklear. I wonder if that's how she found out he was really serious about her. (See David Spade's Myspace profile here.)

I just think it's funny after reading that and this article from BJ's blog that myspace has become such an effective means for dropping a hint.


Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHA! The timing is perfect. Nice to see that even hollywood follows the trend. ;)

Randi@SowderingAbout said...

oh myspace.......

yournamehere said...

My fake myspace character, Kelli the girl with the big tits, got more views in three days than my "real" profile has received in six months. Of course, all of those people were douchebags, so it's just as well.

Shannon said...

I don't know why, maybe it's wrong and stupid, but I like the fact that famous people have myspace accounts. It makes me feel that much closer to the stardom I was promised on that producers couch so many years ago.