Sunday, August 06, 2006

Oh man, this is going to be even better than Honey!

I went to see Talladega Nights, The Ballad of Ricky Bobby today, but I didn't get to movie-hop into John Tucker Must Die, like I wanted to. I did, however, get tickets from David for tomorrow's sneak preview of Step Up, that new dance movie starring Justin Timberlake's ex-girlfriend. Where are you when I really need you, Megan??


Randi@SowderingAbout said...

shake n bake baby!

Shannon said...

Man, I really did want to see that. Oh well. I got to spend some quality time with someone. :)

Cladeedah said...

I enjoyed Talladega nights, but it wasn't the funniest movie I've ever seen. I'd say it was about as funny as Anchorman, but not as funny as Old School.

Megan said...


You know full well that I only go see classy foreign cinema, filmed in black and white, with an ambiguous ending that you have to contemplate for days before you understand that it is a allegory for the unfinished dynamics that haunt our daily lives. I don't believe this "Step Up" "movie" has subtitles, which you may remember is my number one requirement for a film.

I would appreciate it if your blog accurately reflected my refined tastes in film. Perhaps you could issue a correction?

Cladeedah said...

Oh Megan... still denying our film choices, like you deny our love. It's okay. I'm used to it after all these years.

The movie was crap, btw. It was definitely no Honey.