Friday night my nephews pussy-blocked my quiet night at home with lesbo porn. We ended up playing foozball and watching some of Star Wars Episode 1.
Saturday a big 'ole geeky gang of us got together and watched Star Wars Episodes 1 and 2 and the animated Clone Wars Series. We then got our super cool asses to the theater and watched Episode 3. Here's the 12 of us minus Mike (he's taking the picture) at the theater.
And here's Brian and me. Just gotta throw us in there. :-)
Surprisingly, I had a really good time. I really liked Episode 3. Like everyone says, it's much better than 1 and 2. I'm glad I saw it in the context that I did. I now have a new-found respect for George Lucas' little epic. I can't wait to go and watch Episodes 4-6 now. (What a geek!) Can't help it. It's like Tori Amos says: "like a good book, I can't put this day back."
I did have one question for those who've seen it. I've heard theories that much of the movie's dialogue was directed at the current Bush administration. References such as "only the Sith speak in ultimatums" and "if you're not with me, you're against me" do sound eerily familiar. Does anyone have anymore info or insight as to Lucas' intentions?
anti-bush or not, the fact that people THINK it's anti-bush just reveals how displeased people are with the current administration.
Ah how cute! I haven't seen the movie yet. I'd rather avoid the crowds. I'm not sure I can sit thru a whole movie these days. Well, unless I get my popcorn! Love the popcorn.
I only see like 5 people in your group? 12 were there?
i would have to agree with allison, with regard to learning all sides of the force in order to truely understand it’s power. anakin does fall prey to the dark side because he thinks that it will lead to him saving padme and that he has to choose one side or the other. but, when yoda tells obi won that his former master, qui gon jinn, has found the secret to living beyound death, we might assume that it was not because he turned to the dark side, but rather learned about it. (I think if qui gon jinn had made the switch either before or after darth maul killed him, we would have known.) Also, at the end or return of the jedi, we see yoda, obi won and anakin together. can we assume it is because they discover this secret of the force as was planned out by yoda at the end of ROTS?
Shawna -
Caption would go like this:
Top row from left to right = David (behind Greg), Greg, Steve, Randi, Matt, Brian, Claudia, and empty seat for Mike.
Bottom row from left to right: Brad, J, Kat, YT.
I believe that the latest Star Wars movie was a typification of the Nixon administration’s migration of the dollar from the gold bullion standard. Now our money is only valuable as long as we “kick ass”. It wasn’t trying to convey any messages about W, rather it was about the empire trying to export its costs of the clone wars to planets and wookies outside its rule. I think the most obvious link is the wookie to Kissinger. Look at the rage and decide who else that could represent.
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