Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Dude, that is weak!!

So a few days ago, I was THRILLED to finally get a summons to appear for jury duty. "Maybe they'll actually pick me," I fantasized. "At least I'll get to take a quiet day off of work paid," I figured...

Enter the rain to my parade: My summons date falls on a MONDAY. That's right, IT'S ON MY FREAKIN' DAY OFF!! To add insult to injury, it's also the day of my Japanese final. I am SO getting an extension.


Cladeedah said...

Those rat bastards... I just tried deferring my date online and they denied my request and changed my status to CONFIRMED. NOOOOOO!!!

I'm starting to think maybe the goal really is just to see how badly they can inconvenience people!

Randi@SowderingAbout said...

haha i would have gladly gone for you!!!! I really liked the whole jury duty thing!!!

Sweet Coalminer said...

They'll never pick you.