Wednesday, July 20, 2005


So I'm trying to convince Brian to tell me which character dies in the new Harry Potter book (since I'll never read it), but he won't tell me! I say, "Fine, I'll just have to find out for myself." I pick up his copy of the book, pick a random place to open it, and start reading. Sure enough, it was p. 608, where Harry Potter realizes that ????? is dead. Dang, I'm good.


Randi@SowderingAbout said...

why dont you just read it??? its really good!

Anonymous said...

I heard a rumor that it is the head of the wizard school... is that true?

Cladeedah said...

I am SO not saying either way. Spoiler much??

qqflyboy said...

Actually, it's on page 596. It's just talked about the rest of the book of course. Sad indeed...

I must admit, I shed a tear or two, but not until later in the book when something happened that drove the death home for me. Sad, sad, sad.