Monday, August 29, 2005

Recreational Lesbianism & Other Hijinks

Saturday night we had Greg's going-away party. All kinds of crazy shiznit happened...

I got to see some bellies, some boobies, a funny t-shirt, and a special anonymous guest.

There were also plenty of festive activities, like the requisite belly-dancing... some table-dancing.... and some chair straddling here and there...

People were telling wild stories.. Like it or not, Kat got a surprise rendition of the Happy Birthday Song... There was even a little gunplay going on.

And, of course, there was the drinking of shots, shots, and more shots. Alternatively, others opted for taquitos.. delicious little force-fed taquitos. Mmmm...

What else? There was plenty of love to go around. There were all kinds of hot couples there.. like this one, this one, this one, and this one.

I got to get cuddly w/ lots of folks too.. like Mark, Vanessa, Anne, Haiti, Nicole and her Ex, and then Anne again. :-)

At one point, a gang of tall people (6'4". 6'5", 6'6" and 6'6") got together to have a decent conversation without having to get cricks in our necks... Not that I have anything against short people - they're fun too.

What else?? Oh yeah, after a couple drinks, I managed to convince Shannon to channel Janice Dickinson. Mwah ha ha!

And, like I said before, there was some recreational lesbianism going on. I got pics, but I'd hate to incriminate the parties involved, so I'm not gonna post 'em. I may not be the brightest marble in the shed, but I've made a couple good decisions here and there. I'm thinking w/holding evidence here could be a good idea. Anyway..

The party was chill at times, scary at times, shocking at times, and hot as hell, but it was overall a good time.

(Click here to forego the story above and just see all the pics).


Kat said...

great pics, claudia. wo0t!

Housekeeper said...

I love the fact that there are girls dancing on the table and David isn't even paying attention, obviously something he sees all the time.