Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Why you should always doublecheck before replying all

I am so embarrassed right now. So, Allison emails me her flight info for the weekend of my wedding (11/05/05). Gmail doesn't automatically show you everyone who the message has been sent to, so you don't know unless you click a link to find out. So I just figured it was her and Kelly (her girlfriend who is coming with her) on the email.

So I see they're leaving early Sunday, and "reply all." I basically said, "Why you leaving so early - oh well, nevermind, I'll probably be too tired to hang out after boning my new husband all night long anyway." I hit send and realize... she cc'd her parents too! Holy crap!! I'm retarded!!!!! This goes out to Linda and Ken - I'm not a dirty whore! Please forgive!!


Sweet Coalminer said...


That's awesome.

And, by the way, once you're married, it's OK to be tired from being up all night boning your husband, as short-lived as married boning may be... I'm sure as parents, they understand that.

Cladeedah said...

Dude, that's nasty. It's even nastier that you know that.

Randi@SowderingAbout said...

nice claudia....nice..... :)