Thursday, September 08, 2005

Movie Review: The Brothers Grimm

Sunday we went and saw The Brothers Grimm. It was really cute. Matt Damon and Heath Ledger both did good jobs - especially Matt Damon. The story was cute, though not without its problems. There were some holes.. the love interest angle was way under-developed.. the end was entirely predictable. But it got away w/ a lot of this stuff b/c of the whole fairy-tale motif it had going-on. You know: archetypical characters.. love at first sight.. happily ever after. All that jazz. Also, the CG effects in it were kinda weak. Like, you could literally see the cut in the film where the CG horse got edited into a real horse. Final grade overall: B+


Shannon said...

The CG was god awful, but I really enjoyed the movie otherwise. It wans't predictable until you got into the story, which I enjoyed.

Randi@SowderingAbout said...

hobo blogger?

Cladeedah said...

Dude, chill - I'm still in Reno! I'm working on bachelorette party picturs & article now though.

Jen said...

You all are absolutely demented. I went to the movie this weekend. I was motivated not only by this post but a favorable las vegas weekly review.

Worst. Movie. Ever.

Dude, it totally sucked. The story was disjointed, full of holes, and all around BAD. To top it off, no one got nekkid.

Cladeedah said...

Whew, must be those pregnancy hormones!

Randi@SowderingAbout said...

reno shmeno.....

Jen said...

Possibly, but my pregnancy homrmones cannot be blamed for Terry Gilliam's abandoning the woodsman for the last 30 minutes of the movie with no explanation whatsoever.

Also, my irrational ravings (enjoyable as they may be) cannot be blamed for a two hour movie feeling like nine. Oh, wait. Maybe they can.

In any case, no one got nekkid, which was a dissapointment for me.