Monday, September 12, 2005

Movie Review: Red Eye

I totally was expecting to be disappointed by this one, but, instead, I really really enjoyed it!

It wasn't a horror movie like the preview made is seem. This was more like a suspense/thriller. The things that rocked about this movie were:

1. Cillian Murphy - That boy can go from sweet, charming and perfect to CRAZY EVIL SCARY in like the drop of a hat. Now THAT'S what I call acting with your eyes!!!

2. Rachel McAdams - This girl is a casting director's wet dream. She's HOT, and All-American, yet tough and smart! Love me some Rachel McAdams.

3. Cillian & Rachel together - Great chemistry.

4. The characters didn't do stupid, unrealistic crap like not run over the killer or forget to call 911 or forget to grab a weapon!! - I can't tell you how often I've gotten annoyed by movie characters who don't make good decisions. Wes Craven must have gotten wind of this, b/c this time he explained everything that needed explaining in this story, such as: a) Why Rachel McAdams' character had like kick-ass Power-puff Girl in her, b) Why the killer didn't die after getting wounded, c) Why the cell phones didn't work (airport + dead battery), d) Why they weren't calling 911 (already called - not responding b/c of a bigger emergency). I just really appreciated these minute details.

5. Rachel McAdams character kicked major butt and was my hero by the end of it.

So yeah, I liked it.. My only warning is that boys might not like this movie as much as girls. It was definitely targetted to the young liberated female demographic.

Final grade: B+


Anonymous said...

I loved the movie too.. But I am partial to men with yummy blue eyes.. Rachel McAdams totally kicked some ass in this movie and saved the day...

Randi@SowderingAbout said...

i loved it too! i didnt do a good review because i was tired when i made the post, but i loved....