Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Rose Tint My Ass, Tropicana Cinemas!

I heard a vicious rumor that the Rocky Horror Picture Show was no longer playing at the local discount theater. After calling around and poking around on the internet, I found out that the rumor was TRUE.

But, my fellow tranny-lovers, there's no need to despair. It looks like both casts have found new homes. Frankie's Favorite Obsession premieres at its new location, Hamburger Mary's, on January 21st. And Divine Decadence seems to have a new, albeit shady, home at the Take 1 Night Club.

I'm definitely interested in checking out the show at Hamburger Mary's in 2 weeks. Anyone else game?

1 comment:

yournamehere said...

I'd like to go, although I have no idea where Hamburger Mary's is.