Thursday, January 12, 2006

Sick Daze

So I called in sick today. I think that's like the 5th time in the year and a half I've worked there. Is that bad? I actually have been hoping for a sick day lately. Sometimes it's just nice to stay home in your pajamas, have soup, and watch tv while everyone else is at work.

Brian has been sick for about two weeks now. With my ox-like immune system, I thought I'd managed to avoid getting what he had, but now it doesn't appear that I was so fortunate. I've had the same horrible headache for about 24 hours, my throat is dry and scratchy, my body is sore, and I'm a little dizzy and light sensitive. Hopefully this is as bad as it'll get.


Shannon said...

Liar. You just wanted to stay home with Brian and get it on.

Cladeedah said...

I wish.. Brian didn't stay home - he's been toughing it out and going to work. What a man!

sugafree9 said...

"Housekeeper" has been sick for a month.

Maybe you got it in Reno.