Friday, January 13, 2006

But it'll hurt if I swallow...

How come everyone thinks I'm faking?? For the record, I really am sick. Ok, not so sick as to be unable to sit through a two hour movie, but still too sick to negotiate and argue and put on trials for 9 hours. My throat is killing me. My glands are swollen. My sinuses are coated in flem. And I'm probably contagious. At what point am I sick enough not to go to work?

So Tristan and Isolde was kinda dumb. It was a cross between Braveheart and Romeo and Juliet, so maybe you'll like it if you're into that. Me, I don't like these Shakespearean type of love stories where people meet and inexplicably fall in love, so I didn't care very much about the characters. I was just really indifferent about the whole thing. Plus, I'm not a 12-year-old girl or a gay man, so I wasn't all hot for the young male lead - the kid who plays the Green Goblin's son in Spiderman. I don't remember his name now and I'm too lazy to go look it up. James Franco, I think? And the girl lead just wasn't hot enough. So the movie gets a D+.

Oh, and just a quick shout out to Shannon - thanks for giving my 11-year-old nephew my blog address! He's already posted a comment! You can all thank Shannon for this blog going PG from now on.

PS - The title of this blogpost is PG - remember that commercial??

1 comment:

Shannon said...


I didn't know you were keeping it secret.
