Thursday, January 11, 2007

Close Call

I almost got in an accident today in the Costco parking lot. It would've been her fault, but it still would have sucked. Somehow I was able to stop my car in time. Which surprises me, cuz my brakes kinda suck. I thought for sure I was going to hit her.


Bradley said...

There really isn't any fault in a parking lot. The cops wont give anyone a ticket unless they are drunk or seriously injured someone.

It's a bumper car free for all in the privat lots.

Cladeedah said...

Just because an officer can't cite someone for a traffic violation in a private lot doesn't mean there can't still be civil liability. In other words, a law doesn't have to have been broken for there to have been negligence.

The reason officers can't cite someone for a traffic violation that happens in a parking lot is because, generally speaking, the traffic chapter of the NRS only applies to public roads and highways. DUIs are different (even though it's in the same chapter). That law prohibits drunk driving in any place the public has access to. So it includes sidewalks, parking lots, driveways that aren't your own, etc.

I was driving on the main access road exiting Costco and she darted across it from one of the parking aisles without slowing down or looking or anything. Luckily I was going slow and paying attention, so I was able to avoid hitting her.

Bradley said...

Yeah, it happened one time to us in a walmart parking lot when some teenager rear-ended vanessa's car.

We got out, called the cops, and I started taking pictures with my pocket camera. So even though the kid "could" have said he wasn't at fault and we backed into him we had some overwhelming evidence that he was at fault and admitted it there. His insurance did end up paying.