Monday, June 27, 2005

Kitty voodoo

Do you ever notice that you sleep a lot later when your cat crawls into bed with you and casts its magical kitty spell on you? Just an observation..


Anonymous said...

Jake claims they have magical healing power too.

Shannon said...

My cat used to sit on my chest and meow into my face. It'd freak me out. So much for fucking kitty magic...

Cladeedah said...

Leslie - THEY DO!

Shannon - that cracked me up!! Well, maybe your cat was trying to enter your body or something.. not all cats use their magic for good.

Sweet Coalminer said...

Well, my friend's cat used to crawl on my head while I was sleeping and fart, and then I would wake up, so I would have to disagree with your thesis.

Shannon said...

I totally spit coffee through my nose reading SC's comment. OMG. Fart.